The GCC is home to some of the world’s most challenging climate conditions for pipelines and pipe system solutions. Harsh weather conditions – onshore and off – present an added layer of complexity to pipe material selection.
Gerab National Enterprises has been accompanying the region’s growth for the past 45 years.
New pipelines and the replacement of aging pipelines are supporting growth in urbanization, industrial production, and infrastructure development across the globe.
Over a 45-year history serving the oil & gas, power and desalination, municipal and civil, as well as industrial and marine industries, Gerab National Enterprises
A gate valve is a type of valve used to allow or stop the flow of fluids through a pipeline. It employs a sliding gate or wedge-like disc that moves perpendicular to the flow of the liquid to either fully open or fully close the gateway.
In 2023, the global valves market size was valued at approximately USD 14.2 Billion and is expected to reach USD 14.8 Billion in 2024.
Stainless steel pipes are renowned for their durability and aesthetic appeal and are the preferred material wherever corrosion resistance is the overriding consideration in a pipe system solution.
Across industries, stainless steel pipes are widely considered the industry leader when it comes to corrosion and oxidation resistance, aesthetics, and versatility of design.
There are around 700 oil and gas installations in the Middle East that are waiting to be decommissioned and are posing a challenge.